The ceremony reflects the importance and family status of the parents. 婚礼体现了家长在家庭中的地位和重要性。
Women's Family Status In Wei, Jin, South and North Dynasty 魏晋南北朝妇女在家庭中的地位探析
The Influence of Urbanization Progress on the Family Status of Females 农村城市化进程对女性家庭地位的影响
To compute actual benefits, the PIA is adjusted by an amount depending on retirement age, family status, and other earnings. 然后,根据退休年龄、家庭状况和其他收入来调整基本保障额,计算出实际养老金。
Below this IP I still hanged a station of trade family status, with the program of DEDECMS, and those who use is acquiescent pattern plate. 在这个IP下我还挂了个行业门户站,用DEDECMS的程序,而且用的是默认模板。
After he became a government official, his family status was changed; they were no longer looked down upon by others. 他当官以后,家里改换门庭,不再被人瞧不起。
The Anthropological Analysis of Manchu Women s Family Status in Qing Dynasty; Anthropology Analysis Spread by Man People Royalty Education of the Qing Dynasty 清代满族女性家庭地位特点的人类学阐释清代满族皇室教育传承的文化人类学分析
The reference frame of family status bears the stamp of middle class values, but caste background is not irrelevant totally. 家庭地位坐标系显示出浓厚的中产阶级特征,但社群背景并未完全失去意义。
The increase of women's income has not only improved the quality of family life in the countryside, but also uplifted their social and family status. 妇女收入的增加不仅改善了农村家庭生活质量,也提高了妇女的家庭和社会地位。
Unfortunately, my Japanese friends, family status and circumstances of great distress are complex! 日本朋友对我的不幸,家庭状况巨大的忧伤和情况很复杂!
It is against the law for sure to discriminate based on either race, or family status ( live in poverty), or both. 不管是基于种族,还是基于家庭状况(贫困)的歧视,都肯定是犯法的。
The Research of the Social Capital of the Rural Women of Hui Nationality Having Impact on Their Family Status 有爵位的妇女,女贵族回族农村妇女的社会资本对其家庭地位的影响研究
The family status of Manchu women in Qing Dynasty is of double characteristics. 清代满族女性的家庭地位具有双重特征。
Chinese rules of conduct were based, not so much on class as family status. 中国人的行为准则并不是由阶级,而是由家庭地位所决定的。
This article is an exploring research on the family status of floating women in city. 人口社会学人口社会学本文是对城市流动妇女家庭地位的一项探索性研究。
Enters family status one shortly to arrive is a sea world, this is the visitor enters this family from the numerous and diverse outside at first feeling. 进门第一眼看到的就是一个海洋世界,这是客人从繁杂的外界进入这个家庭的最初感觉。
Generally, the scrolls stuck on the door is to show the family status and the happiness to welcome the New Year; 通常,门上的春联会代表着这家人的地位,以及对新年的期盼。
It's marriage changed from race marriage to family status marriage along with the family entering han's land in Yuan dynasty. 入元后,随着该家族逐渐深入汉地,其通婚由种族婚姻向政治门第婚姻不断转变;
Double Pressure: New Dilemma of Contemporary Chinese Women's Family Status 双重压力:当代中国妇女家庭地位的新困境
The impact of marital and family status on mental health in 118 intelligent young couples 婚姻、家庭与心理健康&对118对年轻知识分子的调查分析
Family status, only-child or not has no significant influence on emotional autonomy of adolescents. 家庭类型、是否独生子女对青少年情感自主的影响不显著;
Methods: Evaluate the children's development status according to WHO Z scores, and analyze influential factors include the children's family status, the diet model and so on. 方法:采用WHO推荐的Z评分方法对儿童生长发育状况进行评价,并对儿童的家庭状况、膳食模式等影响因素进行分析。
Marriage was a important means for bachelor family to solidify family status. 婚姻是士族巩固门第的重要手段。
The study shows that with the improvement education and employment, social members, especially women, will improve their social and family status for a more equal society between man and woman. 研究表明,提高受教育水平和就业水平,对于提高社会成员特别是女性的社会地位、家庭地位,实现男女平等具有重要意义。
Besides the improvement of economic, cultural and family status, the equality between men and women should be embodied in politics, which is the core and spirit of the equality between men and women. 男女平等除了经济的、文化的、家庭地位的改善外,更重要的应体现在政治上的平等,这是男女平等的实质和灵魂。
Family status and persinalism are two factors to influence royal marriage in the South Dynasties. 南朝国婚形态是东晋的继续和发展。门阀制度和人物风尚对南朝国婚影响甚大。
Attending interest class, mother's educational status, relations between parents, extracurricular activities, family status, living environment pollution, and social mode were included in the relevant factors affecting children's social abilities. 影响儿童社会能力的因素包括参加兴趣性、母亲文化程度、父母关系、课外和其他小朋友玩、家庭经济状况、居住环境污染和社会风气等。
Threaded by this, this thesis respectively narrates the changeover of female role and family status in different phases. 以此为脉络,本文分别叙述了处于不同年龄阶段女性角色及家庭地位的变化。
They are relatively low status of a group whether from the family status or in terms of social status. 无论是从家庭地位上、还是社会地位上来讲,她们都是地位相对低下的一个群体。
Focus on autonomy from marriage, family status and the reasons for that phenomenon to described. 着重从婚姻自主、家庭地位及产生这种现象的原因分别进行阐述。